
Knowing our responsibilities as individuals.
Being educated with what is happening to the world and what we can do to help is massive step to in our part.

To Vote Wisely

To Follow The Law

To Conserve, Protect, and Rehabilitate our Natural Resources

To Vote Wisely

The time we turn 18, we have the right and responsibility to register as voters. The government has a great impact with the healing of our environment and powerful enough to make laws and regulation that will give positive benefit to our lands. 

To Follow The Law

The Laws that we have in the Philippines may not be enough to fully heal our land but it is something, therefore, we should follow it.

To Conserve, Protect, and Rehabilitate our Natural Resources

How? Consume less. No to littering. 4rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover). Conserve Electricity. Use your platform. Share.

Consume Less. Consuming less does not equivalent to not consuming at all, it only means to be mindful with what you consume. Make better decisions with what you buy, wether or not it’s a single-use product such as plastic bags, spoons, cup, straw, and ect. or it’s reusable. Making sure that what you buy is convenient for you and does not come out as waste in a just a short amount of time.

No to Littering. Littering leads to pollution, pollution leads to the destruction of the environment. Littering has become almost normal for many people specially in crowded areas. All we need to do is discipline ourselves and find a trashcan and put our waste in the right place.

4Rs. Reduce the products we consume in a daily. Reuse products for a different purposes. Recycle waste into a usable product. Recover, similar to recycling, but taking waste from the trash and converting it into something useful or using its purpose as it is (specially it it’s in good condition).

Conserve Electricity. Be wise with the energy that you use in your home. Close the lights if not used, don’t use your phone while plugged in, turn down your AC, and keep everything unnecessary closed and off when you leave your home.

Use Your Platform. Share through your social medias these information to educate everyone on what they can do themselves to prevent such sad future, where all our natural resources are destroyed, lands flooded and nature is nonexistent.  


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The Paragon Entertainment Group